Here’s What’s APPening for college kids who want to ace every class.

iTunes U : iTunes U is a must-have for every college kid. It allows students to organize classes, resources and even turn in assignments and get together with a study group as well. A great deal of professors are using iTunes U to accept assignments and offer easy communication.

Quizlet: Study anywhere anytime with Quizlet! Quizlet allows users to create study materials and guides based on the resources available and their assignments. Students can make flashcards and games to assist them in studying for assignments and tests and final exams. Find the perfect study partner in Quizlet.

Caffeine: Never run out the computer battery again! Caffeine lets the user know how much juice is available on the computer. It alerts users 30 minutes prior to draining the battery allowing the user plenty of time to find a charging station and save any assignments. Caffeine App